What are the opening times for Little Grange?
What age children will you take?
What are the rooms/stages through Little Grange? What happens beyond Little Grange?
What’s the difference between the pre-school class at Little Grange, and The Nest?
Is progression from Little Grange to Bilton Grange guaranteed?
What if parents want to stay in Little Grange all the way through, but then enter BG reception? Do we allow this?
Do all children who go to Little Grange, then go on to Bilton Grange?
Will Little Grange children be able to use the grounds at Bilton Grange?
What will the curriculum look like at Little Grange?
How will you ensure my child is safe?
Who will care for my child at Little Grange?
What are the ratios of adults to children?
Will my child be entitled to receive the Nursery Education Funding?
Do you accept childcare vouchers?
What will my child eat?
How will you ensure my child’s transition into Little Grange is a smooth and happy one?
Do children still requiring a daytime nap have to have this at a prescribed time?
How do you support toilet training?
What will my child need?
How will admissions, bookings and billing be managed at Little Grange?